
The Process Orchestration Maturity Model

A guide to accelerating process orchestration maturity to drive better and faster automation business results

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Where does your organization fall on the Process Orchestration Maturity Model?


Process orchestration allows businesses to achieve end-to-end automation by coordinating various endpoints of a business process, and tying multiple processes together.  

The next question you may be thinking is, how can my organization start or advance our process orchestration initiatives?

That’s where the Process Orchestration Maturity Model comes in. You can use this model to gauge how well your organization is carrying out process orchestration initiatives, by considering various “drivers” that indicate level of maturity - from Level 0 to Level 4. Then using those drivers, you can see where there is room for improvement.

Download this guide to discover:

  • Trends driving rapid automation adoption and the need for process orchestration
  • What the Process Orchestration Maturity Model is 
  • Where your organization currently falls on the model
  • How to accelerate along a process orchestration journey