
Camunda Compared to Alternatives

The Guide to Process Automation Tools and Solutions

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Manual business processes don’t cut it anymore — delivering today’s customer-centric, digital experiences hinge on doing them automatically and at scale.

This is the digital transformation imperative: embrace automation today or go out of business tomorrow. 

Solving this requires the correct tool for the job...but not all automation tools are created equal. 

Download Camunda Compared to Alternatives to understand the full process automation landscape and the advantages/disadvantages of the different categories of tools available, such as:

  • Traditional business process management suites (BPMS) (e.g. Appian, Bonitasoft, IBM, and Pega)
  • Low-code platforms (e.g. Mendix, Workato, Kissflow)
  • RPA tools (e.g. UIPath, Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere)
  • Microservice orchestrators (e.g. Conductor, Temporal, AWS Step Functions, Orkes)
  • Enterprise applications (e.g. Salesforce, SAP, ServiceNow)
  • Process orchestration software