2024 Industry Report by PEX Network

Process Orchestration – The Next Step in Process Excellence

How process orchestration enhances automation

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PEX PO Report

Achieve Seamless Automation with Process Orchestration
Unlock the full potential of your business processes with process orchestration. Unlike simple automation, process orchestration goes further by integrating both automated and manual tasks, as well as diverse business processes, to deliver end-to-end automation.

What is Process Orchestration?
Process orchestration coordinates the execution of tasks based on a defined flow logic, encompassing people, software systems, and physical devices. This holistic approach ensures all elements work in harmony, even linking multiple processes together for a seamless operation. Without it, businesses face disjointed tasks and incomplete automation.

Why Process Orchestration Matters
For businesses with complex and varied endpoints, process orchestration is crucial. It transforms isolated automations into a cohesive, fully automated process, ensuring efficiency and excellence.

Download our comprehensive industry report to uncover:

  • The latest trends shaping the process orchestration landscape.
  • How process orchestration is revolutionizing financial services.
  • Key success factors and challenges in implementing process orchestration.

“Process orchestration gives organizations the opportunity to maximize their existing digital transformation investments, achieving better success rates with end-to-end automation without disturbing business continuity.”

Jakob Freund, CEO, Camunda


Michael Hill

Editor, PEX Network

Michael Hill

Michael Hill is the Editor of the PEX Network. He has spent the past 8 years covering various aspects of the cybersecurity industry, with particular interest in the ever-evolving role of the human-related elements of information security.