On Demand Webinar

BPM Renaissance: 5 Tips to Thrive in a Cloud-Native World

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What to expect

A decade ago, business process management (BPM) focused on modeling and perhaps automating stable, repeatable back-office processes. Even with the bar set this low, many of the BPM tools on the market struggled to meet the needs of the business.

Today, business processes are more dynamic. Enterprises are more likely to focus on customer-facing, front-office processes. Low-code tools improve collaboration, increase quality, and lower technical debt. And we have yet to maximize the full power of the cloud. Welcome to the BPM renaissance.

On this live webinar, listen to Jason Bloomberg, president of analyst firm Intellyx, and Daniel Meyer, CTO Camunda, as they discuss how today’s BPM addresses business problems the way first-generation BPM never could. They will cover the five core value propositions of next-generation BPM and explain how low-code technologies and cloud-native computing change the BPM game, allowing you to not just survive, but also thrive through these transformative times.


Daniel Meyer

CTO, Camunda

The mastermind behind some of Camunda’s biggest technological developments, Chief Technology Officer Daniel joined us in 2010, serving first as a developer and consultant – coaching companies in BPM technology. He holds an MSc in Computer Science and is responsible for end-to-end development and maintenance of Camunda’s industry-leading products, as well as a sought-after speaker at technology events.

Jason Bloomberg

Founder Intellyx, IT Industry Analyst, Author

Jason Bloomberg is a leading IT industry analyst, author, keynote speaker, and globally recognized expert on multiple disruptive trends in enterprise technology and digital transformation. He is founder and president of Digital Transformation analyst firm Intellyx. He is ranked among the top low-code analysts and the author or coauthor of five books, including Low-Code for Dummies.