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Top 5 Process Automation Trends to Look For in 2021
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What to expect
2020 has been a wild ride, and we think everyone is eager to move on and see what 2021 has in store for them. While we may not have a crystal ball, we do have Camunda’s experts who can give data-backed predictions on process automation trends you can likely expect to see in the new year! Fair warning, we will have to look back at what happened in 2020 when discussing these predictions; they are after all backed by data and history.
Join us for an inspiring, if harrowing, retrospective on process automation’s journey this last year, and get prepared for major changes and trends to come in 2021 in this end-of-year webinar special!
Topics include the 2021 outlook for:
- Continuous Delivery
- Microservices
- Robotic Process Automation
- Process Audit Data
- Emerging Use Cases for Process Automation
Meet Camunda’s four brave souls who have dared to both dig up the past and gaze into the future in an effort to best guide you on your process automation quest:
Bernd Ruecker
Co-Founder and Chief Technologist, Camunda

Bernd Ruecker Co-Founder and Chief Technologist of Camunda, author of "Practical Process Automation", and co-author of "Real-Life BPMN", is a software developer at heart who has been innovating process automation deployed in highly scalable and agile environments of industry leaders such as T-Mobile, Lufthansa, ING and Atlassian. He contributed to various open-source workflow engines for more than 15 years, and is constantly discussing new process automation paradigms that fit into modern architectures around distributed systems, microservices, domain-driven design and event-driven architecture.
Falko Menge
Camunda Consultant

Falko Menge is a high-profile Camunda Consultant for more than 11 years and has helped hundreds of customers to design and implement their process automation solutions while integrating numerous surrounding technologies. At the same time, he represents Camunda in the OMG as Open Standards Ambassador. Falko is a member of the working groups for the BPMN specification and co-chair of the DMN 1.4 revision task force. Recently, he’s been specializing in performance engineering for the Camunda BPM and Zeebe engines.
Mauricio Salatino
Principal Software Engineer, Camunda

Mauricio Salatino is a Principal Software Engineer at Camunda and has been working on the Business Automation OSS space (BPM, Decision Management and Knowledge Engineering) for more than 12 years now. Lately, he has been spending a crazy amount of time and energy on the Cloud Native Ecosystem, pushing for all things Kubernetes, KNative, Cloud Events, Jenkins X and Continuous Delivery
Niall Deehan
Developer Advocate, Camunda

Niall Deehan is a Camunda BPM expert and the Developer Advocate best known to the Camunda BPM community for supporting folk with tutorials, blog posts and presentations. He helps promote code written by Open Source contributors and presents at events from the monthly Question Corner to the yearly CamundaCon and many others in between.