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Communication Between Loosely Coupled Microservices

By watching this webinar, you will be able to better understand both architectural implications as well as their effect on productivity.

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Microservices architectures require services to be as loosely coupled as possible. However, communication between loosely coupled services is essential to correctly execute on business requirements. There are several considerations to think about:
  • Synchronous, asynchronous or event-driven communications are all possible solutions. However, you need to consider the tradeoffs while deciding which form of communication would work best for your requirements.
  • How does your architecture impact coupling? For instance, asynchronous communication reduces temporal coupling between services.
  • Other consequences for consideration; for example, synchronous communication requires certain resilience patterns.
This webinar will help answer such questions. In addition, you will be able to better understand both architectural implications as well as their effect on productivity.


Bernd Ruecker

Co-Founder and Chief Technologist, Camunda


Bernd Ruecker  Co-Founder and Chief Technologist of Camunda, author of "Practical Process Automation", and co-author of "Real-Life BPMN", is a software developer at heart who has been innovating process automation deployed in highly scalable and agile environments of industry leaders such as T-Mobile, Lufthansa, ING and Atlassian. He contributed to various open-source workflow engines for more than 15 years, and is constantly discussing new process automation paradigms that fit into modern architectures around distributed systems, microservices, domain-driven design and event-driven architecture.