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Camunda 8 Release Webinar

Watch this webinar now to learn more about Camunda Platform 8. We’ll talk about key features, demo the platform, and have an interactive Q&A with the Camunda team.

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Are you struggling to build scalable, resilient automation of complex business processes that span across people, systems, and devices? Do you have legacy systems or homegrown applications that are difficult, or even impossible, to automate? Camunda Platform 8 can help. It provides speed, scale, security, and resiliency without the overhead of building and maintaining infrastructure. Camunda 8’s breakthrough in horizontal scalability is made possible by Zeebe, our next generation cloud-native workflow engine. With Camunda 8, you can unlock universal process orchestration and can automate any process, anywhere.


Bernd Ruecker

Co-Founder & Chief Technologist


Amy Johnston

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Copy of Amy-headshot

Felix Müller

Director of Product Management


Annie Talvasto

Senior Product Marketing Manager


Sebastian Menski

Director of Engineering
