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Talking Process Orchestration with Devapo’s Michal Stefaniuk

Watch as Devapo’s software engineer, Michal Stefaniuk, discusses process orchestration and how Devapo supports their clients throughout their process orchestration journeys.

Process orchestration can be invaluable to organizations, but getting these projects planned and executed can be a daunting undertaking for organizations. In fact, 79% of IT decision makers/business leaders say the time it takes to design and agree upon process changes is a bottleneck.

That’s why Devapo, a Camunda Gold Partner based in Warsaw, Poland, brings analytical, architectural, organizational and technical knowledge to their clients’ Camunda BPM related projects. They help these clients work more efficiently by reducing costs and growing their revenue with IT solutions we introduce.


Michal Stefaniuk



Michał is a full stack software engineer with strong cloud and microservice orchestration experience. He was born and raised in Krakow, currently based in Warsaw, Poland. On a daily basis he’s involved in architecture design and software development at Devapo software house. Michał is a huge business processing management and Camunda enthusiast. He loves building software from scratch, but loves even more to see how it makes peoples’ lives easier.

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