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Talking Process Orchestration Journeys with VMWare’s Timo Salm

Watch as VMWare’s senior lead for devX solutions in EMEA discusses process orchestration and how VMWare supports their clients throughout their process orchestration journeys.

95% of respondents to Camunda’s “2023 State of Process Orchestration Report” have seen increased business productivity due to process automation over the past year. But organizations who want to achieve their process automation goals need to contend with increasing quantity and diversity of endpoints, increasing process complexity, and organizational silos. That’s where process orchestration can help, by coordinating the various moving parts of a business process, and sometimes even ties multiple processes together.


Timo Salm

Senior Lead DevX Solutions Engineer, VMWare


Timo Salm is based out of Stuttgart in southwest Germany and in the role of the first VMware Tanzu Solutions Engineer for Developer Experience in EMEA with a focus on VMware Tanzu Application Platform and commercial Spring products. In this role, he’s responsible for educating customers on the value, vision, and strategy of these products, and ensuring that they succeed by working closely on different levels of abstractions of modern applications and modern infrastructure. Before Timo joined Pivotal and VMware, he worked for more than seven years for consulting firms in the automotive industry as a software architect and full-stack developer on projects for customer-facing products.

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