Recording from CamundaCon 2020

The Return of Process Automation!

#Microservices, #Orchestration, #Architecture

This keynote will foster your understanding of how (business) processes can generally be implemented and monitored. I will compare different approaches, from batches over streaming, to workflow engines. You will understand the impact on agility and what is different in modern architectures, as well as learning about choreography and orchestration. You will learn about criteria that have crystalized as success factors in many real-life scenarios.

You will also understand the failures of BPM and process automation tooling in the past, which often lead to skepticism amongst different stakeholders.


Bernd Ruecker


Bernd (1)
Tech evangelist, public speaker and Co-Founder and Chief Technologist of Camunda – Bernd’s name is legend among developers. As the leader of Camunda’s developer relations, Bernd is responsible for helping developers utilize BPM technology to the full extent, coaching countless users to implement business logic centered around long-running flows. In addition, Bernd, who holds an MSc in Software Technology, co-authored the successful book “Real-Life BPMN”.

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