Recording from CamundaCon 2020

Smarter Workflows with Natural Language Processing

#NaturalLanguage, #Automation

Learn how to leverage Natural Language Processing in your Camunda BPM Workflows to make them smarter. Demonstration involves – an open source framework that is built using React,, Camunda, Keycloak and Redash. Demonstration is focused on sentiment analysis of customer feedback extracted from online forms with the results visualized using a Redash dashboard.


Praveen Ramachandran

AOT Technologies

Praveen Ramachandran is a co-founder of AOT Technologies specializing in building intelligent connected systems leveraging system integration, predictive analytics, video analytics and IoT. He has 17+ years of experience in integrating business applications and automating business process workflows around the world for customers such as PepsiCo, Medtronic, BC Ministry of Health and BC Natural Resources Sector. He and his team recently built – an open source framework integrating forms, workflows, analytics and identity management.

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