Recording from CamundaCon 2020

Insurance Process Chain Monitoring and Improvement with Camunda Optimize

#Analytics, #rchitecture, #BPMN

Effective business requires reliable data-driven insights concerning its processes. Today’s business process management is more than modern services orchestration, business applications, and infrastructure components; effective business processes rely on distributed systems to work as a single ‘business process chain.’ To be in full control of such a complex landscape starts with the ability to visualize and monitor its most relevant data in real-time.

Not all business applications and processes are automated using BPMN. However, the ability to digest data and visualize different domain and process chain data in the same way BPMN-driven processes are visualized will increase business process monitoring abilities and effectiveness of business operators.


Omid Tansaz


Omid Tansaz is one of the co-founders & CTO of nexxbiz. Incorporating more than two decades of experience, Omid and his nexxbiz teams help their partners utilize the maximum potential of new & emerging technologies to eliminate ambition limiting IT constraints of their operations. nexxbiz delivers a cutting-edge Middle Office solution as a service, empowering insurers to centralized their mission-critical insurance process orchestration and business rules enabling a more holistic view and control over their entire distribution channels.

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