Camunda Platform 7 Performance at Scale

How does Camunda Platform 7 perform at scale in an AWS environment? We ran a large number of tests against an eight-node AWS environment to find out, and we want to share what we learned with you.

We ran our tests in an environment with some serious horsepower. Each node in the eight-node cluster we employed was a c5.2xlarge node with eight virtual CPUs and 16 GB of RAM. The database was a single db.m6g.8xlarge node with 32 CPUs and 128 GB of RAM.

As a teaser: We were able to process just shy of 300 million process instances with an average duration of ~50ms in this environment. We look forward to sharing more during the presentation!


Johnston Ryan


Ryan Johnston, Summit58 LLC

Ryan is the founder and principal at Summit58, which provides advisory services, implementation services and training for its customers with a focus on open-source workflow software. Previously, Ryan worked at Camunda as its first North American employee, and he is excited to have the opportunity to present at Camunda's Community Summit in 2022.

Daniel Hallmark


Daniel Hallmark, Summit58 LLC

Daniel is a Senior Architect with Summit58, which provides advisory services, implementation services, and training for its customers with a focus on open-source workflow software. Daniel has served Fortune 200 clients in banking, fintech, and telecommunications industries to design, implement, and migrate workflow solutions using Camunda Platform. Daniel is very excited to have the opportunity to present at Camunda's Community Summit in 2022.

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