Video from Camunda Community Summit 2022

Taking Templates to the Limit: Create Bulletproof Camunda Element Templates with JSON Schema

Niklas Kiefer, Camunda

Taking Templates to the Limit: Create Bulletproof Camunda Element Templates with JSON Schema

Camunda templates allow the creation and use of pre-configured BPMN elements. In this presentation, I will showcase how to use the power of JSON Schema to define robust element templates in your own IDE, in a quick-and-easy way without further validation tools needed.

Additionally, I will show what's all possible when creating reusable templates as service task workers and user tasks, and what's up next for Camunda Platform 8 templates.




Niklas Kiefer, Camunda

Based in Berlin, Niklas is a Software Engineer at Camunda since 2018. He is part of the team to create and maintain the web-based tooling for modeling BPMN, DMN, and Forms. He believes in the power of open-source software and is contributing various libraries and extensions around the ecosystem.

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