Case management automation examples using Camunda

Complex cases can be cumbersome to digitize because they involve an intricate web of technologies, complex information, and knowledge workers.

Organizations are taking a human-centered approach to automate dynamic cases to reduce costs and deliver better experiences for employees and customers. Watch the videos below to see why innovative organizations choose Camunda to transform their case management processes.

From legacy to leading edge: Hear how Camunda transforms case management

From streamlining fraud disputes and legal requests to delivering dynamic sales quotes, Camunda is helping organizations reduce manual efforts and provide great customer experiences.

Reducing Quote Turnaround Times by 93%

Learn how Atlassian uses Camunda to orchestrate hyperautomation technologies to deliver exceptional customer experiences and achieve 30x ROI.

Transforming Customer Case Management

See how Vodafone seamlessly integrated various technologies to achieve a high automation rate for complex customer cases with a modular, reusable approach.

[Capital One]
Reimagining Process and Case Automation

Capital One used Camunda to reduce errors and modernize case management, saving on costs while improving customer experience.

[U.S. Patent and Trademark Office]
Automating Complex Legal Reviews

Understand how the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office streamlined complex legal workflows for their trademark attorneys.

[WKS Power]
Automating Cases, Processes, Projects, and Plans

Learn how Camunda can be used to transform a variety of workflows including cases, processes, and projects.

[Covéa Insurance]
Creating a Roadmap for Automation Success

Covéa used an iterative and modular approach to redesign legacy systems so they can better integrate previously siloed data and improve customer satisfaction.

Put theory into practice with these resources

Give your case management process
an upgrade.

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